Project management homework and Project Overview Document submission | 01.04.2025 (5 %)
Please take the course materials and design a graphical representations of a
- Gantt chart,
- PERT diagramme,
- risk management matrix,
- time sheet.
Please design graphics and tables for each of the products and include them on a Powerpoint slide. For the design, students consider the course materials. Combine all ressources in the 'Project Overview' template as discussed during the lecture. Finally, transfer these information to YOUR Gitlab Wiki AND place all four files to YOUR Gitlab project repository and place them into the 'management' folder. Keep your Project Overview Document AND the Wiki ALWAYS updated!!! The Gantt chart is expeted to be reviewed by YOU every two weeks and stored in YOUR GitLab with an according timestamp and version information in the filename.
Besides the four slides within ONE Powerpoint, the Project Overview Document has to be uploaded as the second part of the assignmen to Blackboard, too!
Please make sure you have following documents available and updated (@least every 14 days) in the Gitlab 'management' Folder and in the Gitlab's Wiki:
- Project Overview Document
- Gantt chart
- Timesheets
For file submission use the following naming convention ijn the filename:
- Lastname_Projectmanagement.pptx (including all four graphics)!
- Lastname_ProjectOverviewDocument.pdf
The project management homework including the first GitLab work will count for 5 % of the overall mark.