Topic outline
This Integrated Project (IP) is an Interdisciplinary, Integrated, and Interactive (I3) project to be realised in the domain of Geoinformatics (GIS) and Earth Observation (EO). It is based on a complet project cycle to be realised by one student. In exceptional cases two students are allowed to work on one project but independent objectives. The project should focus on applied research with a strong emphasis on practical implementation of a spatio-temporal subject. Students are asked to choose their topics, to analyse their challenges/problems, to frame their objectives, and to define hypothesis and research questions. This includes the framing of user groups and/or including an assessment of customer and/or target group requirements. All learning objetives, competencies, course expectations, and deliverables will be explained in a guideline provided in the beginning of the course.
This folder contains information about the first announements and potential topics to be covered.
This folder contains information about the course materials as well as additional materials such as a project abstarct template, am extended abstract template, and the final manuscript template. Additionally, a time sheet template to be used for project time documentation, a guideline for the final poster presentation and information on the literature management (software) are provided. To ensure access to scientific literature and other ressources, a connection to Eduroam (WLAN) but also the virtual private network (VPN) access from home will be discussed.
Take the time sheet and regularly record your working hours on the project. Keep it updated in Gitlab, Deliver the fully filled time sheet at the end of the course.
Take this template and structure your week. Include everything what consumes time. Thus, sleeping, dish/cloth washing, house keeping, sports, musics, spare time, working hours, etc. Try to keep larger blocks together to ensure proper progress of your work!
Please find attached an example abstract for your information.
Please find attached the Word-Template for the project abstract due on the second meeting.
As discussed during the course please use the attached 'ProjectExtendedAbstractTemplate.docx' template to be submitted to the eLearning platform.
Please read the 'sensors-template.dotx' and find useful information on the chapters 'Introduction', 'Material and Methods' and in general the structure of a scientific article.
The final manuscript has to be delivered by June 30. Please find attached a MS Word template. Additionally, citations should follow the AGIT format and Endnote is a mandatory citation manager to be used. Both are availabl in the "Availabe Ressources" -> "Software and Tools" section. Please again review the sensors-template.dotx to identify what makes a good paper.
Annex 1: Geodata to be delivered to Gitlab
Annex 2: Metadata (see atatchement on ISO19115 standard and consider the ISO19139 implementation standard as well)
Annex 3: Time Sheets (see attachment above): With in the project management lectures we will discourse the use and the necessity of time sheets. Please find attached a template to be used for recording the hours spend on your project. Please fill this time sheet constantly and deliver it as an annex to the final mansucript submission. Further details see in the course description PDF.
The folder containes materials for the second lecture. Please find attached materials on the notes taken during your presentations and during the consulting sessions. Since the I3 course should cover a complete project management cycle, materials on project management are provided.
At the end of this I3 session, all students should have chosen a topic of interest including a project title and an acronym. To structure the whole portfolio of the group, this template should be filled by all students. For an interactive work mode, the file has been uploaded to edupad for your convenience of filling it.
The following files provide the course materials for the second class in the I3 semester. Besides the shown PPT slides, the additional files include exercises (partly) performed during the course. Please be advised to perform the exercises in order to improve and/or extend your present abstract towards the extended abstract and the final paper to be submitted at the end of the course. The materials also provide templates in order to ensure a proper delivery of the homework to be submitted to Moodel on April 1, 2025.
The section "Available Ressources" contain server or development ressources students might want to request for the project to be done in the course of the IP. These ressources are for instance: a) Metadate Editor: For the documentation of primary data used AND project generated data, b) Postgres / PostGIS: In case a database is required, c) ArcGIS Server, d) AcGIS Enterprise, e) Geoserver, f) GitLab, an g) Project Management Software Tools.
Opened: Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 6:00 AM
Opened: Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Tuesday, 1 April 2025, 6:00 AM
Opened: Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Tuesday, 1 April 2025, 6:00 AM
Opened: Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Tuesday, 6 May 2025, 12:00 AM
Opened: Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Tuesday, 13 May 2025, 6:00 AM
Opened: Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Tuesday, 24 June 2025, 6:00 AM
Opened: Friday, 14 February 2025, 12:00 AMDue: Monday, 30 June 2025, 6:00 AM
This discussion forum should enable communication about questions and answers within the I3 group. As discussed during course 1, this forum could also be used for an exchange of abstracts among the group. This enables participants to review someone's abstract in digital format in lesson 2. Thus, feel free to upload you abstract here and in the submission folder on the eLearning platform.