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Bleakley H., Lin J. (2012) Portage and Path Dependence. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 127, Issue 2, pp. 587–644. Datei
Handout: Bleakley und Lin, 2012, Portage and Path Dependence Datei
Ciccone, A. (2002) Agglomeration effects in Europe. European Economic Review, 46, pp. 213–227. Datei
Handout: Ciccone, 2002, Agglomeration effects in Europe Datei
De la Roca, J., and Puga D. (2017) “Learning by Working in Big Cities.” The Review of Economic Studies, vol. 84, no. 1 (298), pp. 106-42. Datei
Handout: DeLaRoca Puga, 2017, Learning by Working in Big Cities Datei
Glaeser, E. L., Kolko, J., and Saiz, A. (2001) „Consumer city.” Journal of Economic Geography, 1(1), pp. 27-50. Datei
Handout: Glaeser, Kolko und Saiz, 2001, Consumer City Datei
Texte zu den Sitzungen 7, 8, 9 Verzeichnis