
  • Profit or Conscience – What influences our economic actions?

                                                                      Picture by webentwicklerin on Pixabay 

    Welcome to the course “Profit or Conscience – What influences our economic actions?”

    --> The following activities should contribute to an understanding of this topic.

    FYI: If you are required to submit a document or write down notes, this will be marked in bold.

    Let's get started!

  • listening activity - imaginary journey

    Click on the audio file "imaginary journey" and listen to the story. You can listen to the story more than once.

    While listening, answer the following questions:

    • In which type of company are you currently working?
    • How are the working conditions in this company and provide examples (min. 3) ?
    • What are the mentioned reasons why Anil and you are working for this company?

    1) Write down the answers in your exercise book.
    2) Write down the answers in a document and safe the document on your computer.
    3) Write down the answers in a document, safe the answers and upload the document on a learning platform.

  • post listening activity

    Remain mentally in the world you have just experienced. What perceptions, thoughts and feelings do you have when you think about your work (write down six or more keywords regarding this question)? 

    1) Write down your thoughts in your exercise book.
    2) Write down your thoughts in a document on your computer.
    3) Share your thoughts about this topic on a learning platform.

  • mystery method

    In the next task, you will use the “Mystery” method to take a closer look at the connections between the topic of “child labor”.

    Get together in groups of 3-4 people and pick up the cards which you will need for the next activity at the teachers desk.

    Think about the following question:

    "Why is ten-year-old Rinara embroidering countless jackets for the next three years instead of going to school?"

    • Solve the case in the group.
    • Arrange the cards in a sensible order.
    • You may put aside any cards that are not relevant to solving the key question.

    After you gathered the main arguments, you should present your solution.

    1) either in class (presentation) -> you will present whenever the teacher asks you to (can either be right after solving the mystery method OR when you finished the Moodle course: please wait for the instructions of the teacher
    2) record an audio on Vaccaro or on your phone and present afterwards in class
    3) record an audio on Vaccaro or on your phone and post the audio on the learning platform.


    Length of audio: 2-4 minutes

  • vocab exercise

    Below you find the activity "Profit and Conscience - Quizlet" to practice relevant vocabulary concering this topic. Take approximately 10 minutes to study the vocabulary below. Afterwards try the "Profit and Conscience - LearningApp exercise" to see if you remember the vocabulary.

    1) After finishing the LearningApp write down the voabulary in your exercise book.
    2) After finishing the LearningApp exercise take a screenshot and save it on your computer/tablet.
    3) Post a screenshot of the finished LearningApp exercise on the learning platform.

  • game - LearningApp

    Search on the internet to find out the difference between "shareholders" and "stakeholders". After doing the research, proof your gained knowledge about the respective topic by completing the exercise on Learning App. When you finished with the exercise take a screenshot from the finished Learning App.

    1) transfer the LearningApp activity in your exercise book.
     either safe the screenshot in a text document on your computer.
    3) safe the screenshot in a text document an post the document on a learning platform.


  • blog post

    You are an undercover reporter in Amal's company and are shocked about the working conditions employees have to face. Therefore, you have decided to publish your findings in form of a blog post. Here are the main points which should be included:

    • describe the working conditions in the company
    • inform the audience which workers' rights are disregarded in the company 
    • provide suggestions on what buyers can do to prevent such working conditions for employees

    Write around 250 words.

    1) write the blog post in your exercise book 
    2) write the blog post on your digital device (computer, tablet, ...)
    3write the blog post on your digital device and upload it on a learning platform

  • teachers' handbook

    Here you will find the teachers' handbook for this Moodle course.